The Plane.

So I just had one the crazysexycoolest correspondences with one of the coolest companies, and I’d never even heard of them until a few days ago. They’re called Storyville and their motto is “Love Everybody.” One of their coffee mugs serendipitously ended up in my hands, and their logo of a child running with a toy plane reminded me of Christian Bale’s character from ‘Empire of the Sun’ so I decided to send an email to the company to ask about its origin. I really didn’t think I’d hear much back beyond a basic form response, but I got so much more… “The Flyboy” apparently goes back to the Storyville’s founder’s passion to end human trafficking (and I’m all for ending anything that involves human bondage, mental/physical or otherwise) and they went on to say “The logo signifies a dream - the dream of flight. Whether that flight is the experience of defying gravity and ‘slipping the surly bonds of earth’ or the flight is a passenger going to work, to a relationship or to freedom…the Flyboy is all that to us. Uniquely though, it represents (perhaps) a child on the way to freedom…running with a plane in his/her hand and imagining the freedom that could be experienced with flying away.” Then we kept writing back and forth, and I explained briefly that I’m working on this podcast project…and asked about talking to the founder of Storyville about his mission and possibly working together…and apparently that wasn’t a completely out-there thing to ask about, because after the holidays we’re going to see what happens. So if you’re still reading this, remember that you’re the only one who can tell yourself “no.” You’re the only one who makes the rules. If you’re thinking about doing something, just fucking do it! Ask yourself two questions: “Will this help myself or others? Will this harm myself or others?” If the answer to the first question is Yes, then do it. If the answer to the second question is Yes, then don’t.


A Note on Formatting:


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