A Note on Formatting:

So I’m probably the only one who notices this, (not to mention the fact that I doubt anyone is actually reading these blog posts on a website for a podcast that isn’t even technically a thing yet,) but after reading back over my last two posts I have to say something that’s probably only important only to me: The Return* key on my MacBook stopped working about a year ago when I dropped it, and I can’t make paragraphs. It’s pretty much the worst thing you can possibly imagine to have as a writer. I had a wireless keyboard, but that eventually died as well. It’s ok, though. Over the last several months I’ve learned quite a lot about acceptance and understanding and learning from the consequences of my actions, and I dropped this laptop because I was being irresponsible and because I was drinking. One of those things was something I could change, so I did. In March of 2021, after years of not really coming to terms with the issues I had with it, I stopped drinking alcohol completely. It’s been transformative in ways that I don’t think I’m fully capable to putting into words. Health-wise it’s been night and day. Like… I wake up every single morning and I just… feel good. All day. Every day. And if something comes up that isn’t good, (which of course happens because not-good things happen fucking constantly and don’t even get me started about paying attention to current events) I just take a deep breath and do my best to resolve it. I’ve also started doing things when I think about doing them. That sounds really, really simple but it’s so fucking not. Drink more water. Call them. Start that business. Make that happen. Is it good? Do it. Is it Hard? Who the fuck cares.


I’m the meme, man!


The Plane.