“And so it begins…”

“…but what else?”

“Start somewhere in the middle, but have an idea of where you’re going to end up…

…then have a beginning to work your way back to.”

Sound? From a CLOUD?!


You’re not here to buy anything…

…and we’re not here to sell you anything.

 If a wall fell down,

what would you do with the rubble?

One brick at a time…

Throw it and break something else

or build something new?

Who are you?

Send me a message.
Anything at all.

Or send a voice message by clicking the podcast icon below…


The Limitless Team

  • Radio Flouder

    Head of Nutrition & Behavior Research

  • Morris Lessmore

    Head and Great Hair

  • BTA

    Head of the Class

  • BJL

    Head of Sonic Relativity and Conceptual Navigation